Page After Page of Inspiration
August 3, 2011
Design, food, fashion and lifestyle magazines have always played a big part in getting inspiration and staying current. Even before I was in the wholesale and then retail business, I would spend time looking thru design magazines, getting ideas. I remember first meeting Martha Stewart at a book signing at Sur La Table in the Market–almost 20 years ago–when her magazine first came out, and being the only guy in the group who came to see her. My, my, times have changed. I digress.
This photo is only a portion of the magazines I sift thru monthly to gain inspiration & ideas. I am like a kid in a candy store at the beginning of the month when they all start arriving in our mailbox. I feel very fortunate, because over the years I have gotten to know some of the editors of these publications. Many have featured our homes and the shops, which has been a huge thrill and honor.
The stresses of the day just melt away when I can just spent a bit of time leafing thru the latest edition of many of my favorite publications.