The Journey
October 7, 2011 I am a planner. I make lists. Since my earliest memories, I have found great comfort in being organized. But as well thought out a planned day might be, a ferry ride can change all of that. We have used framer extraordinaire Donna, at Frame of Mind, on Vashon Island for all of our framing needs for many years. I had a new round of Hugo Guinness pieces to be framed, so a mid-week trip was in the cards. I ran around doing errand after errand. It was a beautiful day. I pulled up to the ferry dock right as a ferry was pulling away. This was not in my plan. It was then that I thought I could get upset at having missed the ferry, or I could just enjoy the moment. I turned the classical music station off. I rolled down the windows. I turned my phone and iPad off. There would be no checking e-mails or texting. I would just be, lost in my thoughts, enjoying the glorious day. Time just drifted away, and the hour just flew by. As I drove onto the ferry, I was instructed to pull into the left lane. I would be the first car on the left side of the boat. This was my view. The crossing only takes 15 minutes, but I enjoyed each and every one of them. Funny how life works. You can plan all you want, but sometimes what you are handed is better than anything you could ever have planned for.