The Journey Continues
October 29, 2011 It is funny how you can plan for a certain thing, then life throws at you a bunch of other things, but you end up being right where you had hoped you would be. Such is the case with a lovely piece of property we bought in the Hudson River Valley, in New York, close to 6 years ago. Our plan was to build a house right out of the gate, and live there part time throughout the year. We were excited to get the ball rolling. But then life happens. You get busy and life hands you other opportunities and challenges. The very full years click by. You remind yourself how incredibly fortunate we are to even have this opportunity. Well, I am happy to say, the journey continues, and we just hired a NY state architect to take the design Mister Sive has so diligently been working on over the years and make it a reality. We are over the moon! I am so happy to share this journey and process with all of you. It will continue to be a fun ride, that I look forward to taking it together.
The above photo is the view that will be seen from the south of the house. Below is another view. We have named the house, EastView, as the main part of the house will be looking directly East. We will be back in January, so I will update you with photos taken in the snow. We can hardly wait.