Town & Country Love
November 16, 2011 I have been a fan of the magazine Town & Country for as long as I can remember. For awhile, it hit a bumpy patch, and it was just less interesting. The focus seemed more on money, less on style. With the new Editor in Chief, Jay Fielden, it looks like it is back on course. The magazine is fresher, is still full of beautiful photography, and the focus of style over “just throwing a wad of cash” at something to make it seem cool, is making for one interesting read. I hope it stays that way. There is a creativeness in the magazine that I really like. Whitney Robinson, who I worked with when he featured things from Watson Kennedy at House Beautiful, has blossomed at T&C. His features on stylish places and the folks who inhabit them have been a real visual treat. Back to Mr. Fielden. Any Editor that has a photo taken of the contents of his valise and features them in “The Things I Carry” each month in his editors letter is fine by me. There is an openness there that is very refreshing. My heart again skips a beat when I see the cover of the magazine amongst all the other mail in the mailbox.