Happy Socks

February 17, 2012

20120217-080707.jpg The New York Times last week had an article about how more and more men are wearing colorful/patterned socks. I then was thumbing through a recent Town & Country and saw a similar article. They both made me think of the line the Nathan Lane character said in the movie, The Birdcage, “Well, one does want a hint of color” and it makes me laugh every time. I am so happy to see this trend catching on. Men have so few options to add fun statements in attire. Colorful socks have been a consistent in our household, always. I immediately checked out a few of the websites that were listed in the Times article. Many were new to me. I placed an order pronto from www.happysocks.com which are designed in Sweden. Within days, 3 jaunty pair of socks were delivered to our door. It is a cool site, with socks for both men and women. Fun for gift giving, or to spruce up your own sock drawer.


A happy, colorful Friday to you all!