Delicate Delicious Daffodils
April 17, 2012 We had our friends Catherine and Steve, along with their kids, Clementine & Magnus, over for dinner the other evening. I am always giddy with anticipation with what flowers Catherine will be bringing. That is not to sound presumptuous, as she is flower gal extraordinaire, and owner of the flower business, Twigs. She has never shown up for a dinner or party without some bloom or bundle that has not knocked my socks off. As the elevator door opened (with Bailey barking like crazy letting us know they arrived) and she rounded the corner, I spotted this beautifully sweet bouquet. I have learned so much from Catherine over the years about many different types of flowers and plants. She is who introduced me to scented geraniums and heirloom roses–and I will be forever grateful. This bundle of daffodils is a mix of 2 heirloom varieties, Cheerfulness and Thalia. The smaller one is Cheerfulness, and is fragrant. The larger white blooms are Thalia. Mixed together, they create just the most charming of bouquets. We were heading to the island Saturday evening, so I brought them to work with me to the Market shop, so they could be enjoyed by all.