Watson Kennedy Matches Strike Again
May 16, 2012 They are back! Our new batch of matches arrived late yesterday afternoon. Just in the nick of time for our New York trip. Over the years, we have given a box of matches when a customer buys a candle. I have just always liked the graciousness of giving a small treat, like the matches, when a candle is purchased. Plus, both shops have hotels within close proximity, so many guests like to light a candle in their room. I have had customers say that many stylish homes they visit have a box of Watson Kennedy matches sitting next to the candles–I love that!
I also thought it would be fun to use them in place of business cards on this upcoming trip. I will be attending the Blogfest on Design for a few days next week (more on that in the coming days) and thought the matches could be something different to hand out instead of a card.