Romanesco Broccoli/Roman Cauliflower
October 17, 2012 There they were, in all of their green spiky glory. Romanesco. On my Saturday morning walk-about the Pike Place Market, I walked up to a gloriously visual display of Romanesco at Frank’s. I had seen them in the past, but this time they really caught my attention. “I can do this, I can cook one of those” was my thought. Roasting it would be the way to go. I have taken to roasting just about every kind of vegetable–this unique vegetable creature would be no exception. So I did. And it was unbelievably good.
Break off the florets. Lay on a baking sheet and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and a healthy dose of salt. Mix around to evenly coat. Roast in a 400 degree oven until the tips have started to brown. Move things around mid-process to cook evenly. This method works with tons of different veg, and could not be easier.
The sign at Frank’s called them cauliflower. A quick Google search to learn more about Romanesco was a tad confusing, but I think I figured it out. Europeans call it broccoli and here in the US we call it cauliflower. I think it is all the same thing? Please let me know if that is incorrect thinking. Either way, cauliflower or broccoli, it was incredibly tasty. And looked cool. A winning combo.
Happy Wednesday!