Remembering a WestWard Summer
November 2, 2012 The amazing Summer that seemed to lingered well into the beginning of October is such a pleasant memory as we head into the rainy season. Please don’t get me wrong, I adore even the Seattle rain, but a Seattle Summer day is truly a magical thing. With the busy-ness of the shops and the season, we don’t make the voyage to our home on Vashon Island as frequently as we do in the Summer, where we venture out every week-end.
I thought it would be a fun post to remember a bit of the gloriousness of this beautiful Summer, and fondly remember a few WestWard snapshots. I personally will refer back to this when it has rained too many days in a row… The ferry ride always helps in setting the tone for a relaxing time.
The house really is all about having the 2 sets of glass French doors open, so the outside is brought in. I love to clip scented geranium stems and have them set about. This year with the extended sunny streak, the plants grew like weeds, and we were cutting stems from them almost every week-end.
And we would always have a Diptyque candle burning on the ottoman/coffee table.
Hours and hours spent just reading away. House Beautiful, Town & Country, Elle Decor, Country Living–being some of our very favorites in the magazine department. I like to save past issues to peruse time and again.
But mostly it was sitting outside on the deck enjoying the sun and listening to the water lap up on the beach below.
Our little zinc herb container loved the sun and produced the most amazing herbs for us month after month. We cut those and used them inside in place of flowers too.
Thank you WestWard for giving us so many great memories this past season!
A lovely Friday to all of you. I am still wondering, how is it November already?