Using Vintage Silver
November 20, 2012 Vintage silver pieces really can be a beautiful sight, but for many people silver can seem too fancy or formal. Silver can also seem like quite a bit of work with all the polishing involved. I am told time and time again by customers who have been handed down family silver pieces that they have closets and drawers full of it, but they rarely have it out. Or if they do it is just for the Holidays. My heart just drops. My advice, bring it out and use it. Love it! If you don’t like to polish it, don’t. I think unpolished silver has such a cool look to it. If you like the freshly polished look, then by all means, have at it. Polishing silver can be incredibly therapeutic. Find uses for your silver. The above candle trays are actually sterling silver lipped ashtrays that were big wedding gifts to give when my parents were getting married. They work perfectly with a candle in it. We have countless pieces around the shops that hold a myriad of objects. Rarely are they polished, but they are incredibly loved. I look at vintage silver as a connection to the past. Bowls, platters, candlesticks–all things that can be incorporated in our day to day, and enjoyed for their beauty and practicality.