Beauty & Inspiration All Around Us

March 7, 2013

20130307-085852.jpg It really was an action packed few days at the Design Bloggers Conference. Speakers like Charlotte Moss, Windsor Smith, Susanna Salk, and Newell Turner were amazing. Filled with idea after idea, story after story. All so very, very good. The presentation that spoke to me the most was that of my friend Barbara Barry. I don’t think I am alone in that thinking, as the crowd of 400+ rose to their feet at the end of her presentation, many with tears streaming down their faces. She spoke from the heart, resonating with so many of us, and was just extraordinary. Much like Barbara herself. Her presentation was based on her book, ‘Around Beauty’ which we have been selling at Watson Kennedy. Her prevailing thought is that beauty is all around us, we just have to see it. Barbara and I are so in agreement on that life assessment. It is the bond we share. The bend of a flower, the curve of a bowl, the color of a freshly poured cup of coffee–all have great beauty. We just have to see it. It was such a special treat to hear her presentation and be able to spend a bit of time with her. I snapped the above photo just as we were leaving Los Angeles yesterday. The below I took just as we arrived in Santa Barbara. Just simple beauty, constantly around us.
