It Started With a Plate
April 17, 2013 One of the most asked questions I get from customers is how to set a creative table. I approach setting a table a bit like getting dressed. Chose your first piece, then start adding. With this table, it started with these plates I adore, which were a gift to Mister Sive when he attended Hamilton College. Each plate has a different scene of the college, and I just love the Old World, preppy, handsome look of the overall design. From there, I ran an assortment of John Derian plates down the middle of the table. To that I start adding vintage things that have similar color tones. Sort of ‘jewelry’ for the outfit. This is where you really get to be creative. Horn cups, miniature English trophy cups, wood boxes–all to add visual interest. Small apothecary bottles with a single tulip stem strewn here and there, with a big bunch of glorious creamy tulips in a Juliska vase to center the table.
Choose things you love and that have meaning to you. Guests will be treated to both visual and culinary treats.