Shades of Green
September 3, 2013 The Market this Saturday was just swimming in zinnias. What a happy flower they are. They come in just about every color, but the green really spoke to me on the day. A green table for Labor Day dinner it shall be. Zinnias are one of the flowers that I really like mixing herbs with. Our buckets of rosemary have just gone nuts this season, so there was tons of it to cut. The darker green would look great against the vibrant greens of the zinnias. A smattering of green apples that were a heck of a deal at the grocer as they were sold in a big bag, as well as green votive glasses added to the mix. All set for an evening meal on the deck watching the boats sail by, savoring the moment, and remembering just what an incredibly beautiful Summer we have had here in the Pacific Northwest.