Bread as Remembrance
November 3, 2013 I love good bread, and the difference between an incredible loaf and a mediocre loaf can be huge in enjoyment and not always so big in the dollar department. Toast is a big thing in our household. We have started to bring loaves of bread home from our time at Hawthorne. It is a way to stay connected to a place that is growing so fond in our hearts. Sliced bread works well in the freezer, keeping for quite some time. It is amazing how making a slice of this bread for toast brings back thoughts & fond memories of our visit. Food can have such strong connections to a place. When we are in Paris, I always like to bring back bread from Poilâne as a reminder of our trip. Sitting and having a salad with croutons made from it just takes me right back to images of meandering around Paris and that incredibly intoxicating aroma inside Poilâne while you are waiting in line to order. Cheers to good bread & good memories!