Chanterelle Love
November 19, 2013 There was a mushroom forager who had a stand this Saturday at the Market. Oh boy, so beautiful the bins of mushrooms were. When I see a profusion of them, my mind goes right to how much work goes into collecting them. My appreciation for the process as much as the mushroom is huge. Chanterelle being one that is very high on the appreciation list. Cantharellus cibarius, what a cool name, for such a cool fungus. He had pound bags for 5 bucks, which is just one heck of a deal. We find that serving them where they are the star ingredient is really best. Our friend Cara prepares them by sautéing them in butter with shallots and a bit of heavy cream. She then takes that mixture and places it atop a small piece of toast. Heaven. With a glass of Champagne, you feel transported. TPS used them in pasta last night with salmon, and they were divine.