Parting Glances
February 16, 2014 I snapped a good number of images the day before we left Hawthorne on Monday. It is fun to look back at them when we are in Seattle. Also fun to look back and see how things are progressing. It was such a lovely stay. So snow filled, filled with visits and naps and cooking and just plain doing nothing.
It was chilly and Wintery and peaceful and just kind of what we hoped it would be.
Without going into the long boring story of the ordeal with getting our crates delivered that were filled with things like furnishings, artwork & objects from Seattle, I will just say it all finally did arrive. Just a week later than promised. One crate was delivered days after the other, so there was just a wee bit of panic but it finally did show up after we departed and trusty Bill came to the rescue to be there to accept it and open up and unpack all the contents to make sure all was ok. I had wanted to share images of what things looked like in their new home, but that will have to wait for the next trip. The above came in the first crate. Our small collection of Carlton Ware from England fitting right into the overall green aesthetic.
A Dash & Albert rug finding a spot by the front door in the sun porch.
Vintage chairs that we bought almost 10 years ago shortly after we bought the piece of property in Hillsdale at Beall & Bell in Greenport, on the North Fork of Long Island. Our friend Cara stored them for us all that time so she brought them with her when she came for her first visit. They are swell in the guest room at the moment. A still life painting that was a gift to me on my 50th birthday from an amazingly cool customer who had painted it. The silver cup in the painting he had bought at the shop. Ted & I found that cup in London on a buying trip years back. I get teary just thinking about how special it is. The painting living on the green Parsons desk in the guest room.
Our friends Peg and Camilla came for a visit from Seattle and then we drove down to the city for the show together. They bought us these insanely cool vintage cups & saucers at Red Chair Antiques in Hudson as a surprise gift. Adore these! Adore them!
The wood all nicely stacked on the back porch by the fireplace awaiting our next visit.
The small details in life are what what really make my heart sing.
Bailey just loves it there. Loving the snow but not loving the cold. She goes in and out to do her business in a matter of seconds. Pretty funny. Pretty cute.
A Hendrick’s martini with a big slice of cucumber has become the house signature cocktail.
Many gifts of H’s have been received. This is a book from our friend CoCo that is actually a book that is cut to form the letter H. So clever.
And lastly a photo caretaker Bill sent a few days after we departed. 2 feet of snow after we left, on top of quite a bit that came down when we were there. I think we left at just the right time, as we might have been snowed in after this last fall.
See you soon our sweet Hawthorne… You take such good care of us.
Happy Sunday all.