Beauty is All Around Us
April 21, 2014 Friday was the first day tickets went on sale for the book launch party at the shop. It was such a treat and a huge delight to answer the phone all that day and chat with folks calling in to buy tickets. Many I have known for years, so it was just lovely to re-connect and hear their voices. I also received some really beautiful e-mails that day too. One in particular has really stuck with me and I wanted to share some of it with you all. Tiffany, the sender was a young girl when I first met her when she would visit my wholesale showroom almost 20 years ago with some of her family members who bought things from me for their business. Here is part of what was sent in her e-mail.
“I truly believe this group epitomizes the message that you, your blog, your shops and now your book, offer to the world. Beauty is all around us…it is not complicated or contrived. Surround yourself with people and things you love and celebrate it!
Thanks for letting us celebrate with you. You truly inspire us to create lovely lives!”
I immediately sent the e-mail to the other Ted and he responded back almost instantly with “she really gets it” which was so right on. Beauty IS all around us. Her words were so perfectly put. She does get it. I know all of you get it. We are all so fortunate/lucky/blessed for the moments we have. To be aware and see all the beauty that is swirling around us always. Thank you Tiffany for your beautiful words. I look so forward to seeing you, your family and all of you that will be there that evening.