Ted’s Tip
June 16, 2014These last 5 weeks since the book was released have been a bit of a whirl-wind, and I am just beginning to catch my breath. Some of that time felt like a dream. A really, really good dream. It is all starting to soak in as I have had some alone time to reflect on things. It has also been so cool to be approached by folks who have read the book and hear their thoughts. As I have written before, the process of writing and putting together a book is somewhat solitary, so it is quite interesting to hear feedback now. Which leads me to Ted’s Tips. Many people have said that those were some of the things that really resonated with them. Just a little tid-bit of an idea to take away. This got me thinking about adding this element to the daily blog posts. My idea is that each Monday I will post one. A little idea to get your mind racing and see how you can incorporate it into your life if you see fit. Here goes.
Ted’s Tip No.1
Savor the moment. If an out of the blue opportunity to have an impromptu picnic with a friend arises, grab it. If a quick trip comes up to see a relative, do it. Then while those moments are happening–enjoy them fully. Breath. Laugh. Savor.