Globe Thistle
July 9, 2014Inspiration is floating all around at all times. We just have to stay open to the possibilities and keep our eyes and minds open. Globe thistle would be one of those things that caught my eye the other day when making a quick spin through the supremely fantastic Vashon Island Thriftway. I had seen globe thistle before, but I never really LOOKED at them. My eyes always glanced over them while spotting lilies, or tulips or roses in the floral display buckets. But then my eye caught the profile of a bloom that looked like a miniature allium. “I love allium” my inner voice said. Then I looked closer. Such beauty. Within a second, 2 bunches were being plucked out of the buckets. They would be just perfect for the table outside. Sculptural, bulbous and just the right hit of color needed.