The Book Journey Continues…
August 9, 2014 You all have been with me from the start of this book journey, so I thought I would fill you in on what has happened/what is happening coming up. The other day I found out that the venerable Bergdorf Goodman will be carrying my Style & Simplicity come Autumn. I am deeply honored. I e-mailed my friend Deborah Needleman (who threw that swell book party for me in New York awhile back) the day I found out and said how even as a little kid growing up in the Midwest, I knew BG was IT. It all just makes me smile. The artist John Derian, whose work we have carried at Watson Kennedy since we first opened, will be stocking the book too, at his gloriously eclectic shop on the Lower East Side. It was a smiling day.
The above image of the book I took in the showroom in Las Vegas who was showing it and selling it at the show I was at recently. Flanked, as you know I love that word, by 2 House Beautiful books I love and we sell the heck out of at WK. I felt in very good company.
We head to New York early tomorrow. A few days of r&r at Hawthorne and then into the city for me for the big buying show. I will also do at book signing at the Sterling booth on the Monday of the show. If you are attending, please stop by. I will be signing from 2 to 4. I will also be meeting with my editor to discuss ideas for book number two. Really all so very exciting.
Then back to Hawthorne for a few more days and then back to Seattle. While up at the house, I am going to be shooting a dining table setting. I have been asked by House Beautiful magazine to design and shoot a table for a Spring issue of their magazine. I will do a few table variations and see which they choose. Over the moon about this opportunity.
There were several really lovely blog posts about the book recently. Lisa Mende wrote such a complimentary post I wanted to share it with you. I have met Lisa over the years at events and just adore her. She is one of those people I instantly felt a connection with. Click on her name to read her kind words. The Enchanted Home also wrote a sweet, sweet post about how the book was enjoyed after a terribly stressful day finished off the a bubble bath and a little Style & Simplicity.
I continue to be humbled by the response and continue to receive just the kindest correspondence in many forms from folks near & far. The below comment on the shop Facebook page from Marlien who ordered the book and is reading it in South Africa. I have have gotten so sentimental in my years–this just brought a tear to my eyes.
A happy Saturday to you all! Thank you so much for following along on this book adventure. I gain so much enjoyment & strength knowing I have you all along for the ride.
With huge thanks.
From my favorite chair at The Gainsborough, Ted