Friday Night Soup and A Makeshift Table
October 11, 2014 This post is really a lesson in making do and using what you have. It forces creativity and often times things will work out just great and be to your liking. Such was the case last evening. Right out of the gate, we had family come for a quick overnight visit. We always keep stock we make in the freezer, so soup it would be. That was the easy part. But how do we seat 9 comfortably? We are still getting to know the house, and the rooms, how they flow, and how to use what we have to make it all work. We recently acquired 2 nifty galvanized topped long tables that will be perfect on the back porch for meals as well as lugged up into the field for picnics. But I never envisioned using them together in our dining room. The space would not allow for them to butt up to one another to make a long banquet table I am so fond of. But set side by side (Mister Sive’s idea) with a tablecloth covering the seam where they meet (my idea) and we were off and running. Teamwork was what this one was all about. Light a bunch of candles, cut a few of the still lovely hydrangea from the bushes, set the green squash just bought at the market in the middle of it all and off we go. It was such a lovely evening of stories & laughter with family all around our makeshift dining table.