Clove Studded Orange Pomanders
November 5, 2014 These take me back to my youth. I was so fortunate as a little kid to go to a school that really embraced the arts and creative classes. One of my teachers was French and she had us make these during the Holiday season. I can still somewhat imagine the sting on my thumb from pushing in the cloves to the oranges. But it was so worth it, as starting young, I derived so much pleasure in giving them as gifts and seeing how happy the recipient would be. Same holds very true today. Really just the simplest of things to do. Just push in cloves in a pleasing pattern to an orange. You will immediately be taken with that intoxicating aroma the two make. Use as many or as few cloves as you would like. Doing them the other day I used 3 different types/sizes or oranges, as I really liked the visual variety. The living room smells divine. Great to give as little gifts or keep for yourself as a treat.