Wine With Food
November 26, 2014 We just unpacked Wine With Food: Pairing Notes and Recipes from The New York Times and it was hard for me to put it down yesterday. This Wine Wednesday post leans toward a book with recipes and wine pairings over a certain type of wine. Thought it would be fun to mix it up a bit.
From the Rizzoli description of the book. “100 wines paired with more than 100 dishes, from two of the most respected experts in the business. Pairing wine and food can bring out the best qualities in each. But how do you hit upon the right combination? And is there just one? Do you fall back on the old rules or decide by cuisine or season? The choices can be perplexing, and fashions are constantly changing. Eric Asimov and Florence Fabricant have spent much of their careers enjoying this most delicious dilemma and now give readers the tools they need to play the game of wine and food to their own tastes.”
Pairing wine with food and pairing food with wine brings out the best of both. This book highlights the concept in an approachable way, for both the novice and much more advanced.
Happy Wednesday all! Hope your Thanksgiving plans are shaping up and that you make it to your final destination safe & sound–whether that be by plane or just the journey to your own dining table.