Scented Geranium Season is Upon Us
April 16, 2015 It is that time of year again. That glorious time of year that you start seeing scented geraniums popping up at nurseries and garden stores. These little little pots that grow into massive overflowing pots of joy. TPS planted up a bunch this week-end out on the island. Fingers crossed, the scented variety of geranium seem to be deer resistant. I hope I have not cursed us by typing that. To date, the deer have left them alone. The scented variety have such unique shaped leaves, they provide visual enjoyment in single stem vases at home and at both shops throughout the seasons. We have had a huge stem in the front window of the Home store for almost a full year–it taking root in a big vintage green bottle. The roots swimming about in the water such a lovely sight. Showering outside under the stars listening to the lapping of the water from the beach below and the scent of the geraniums waft about is one of my very favorite WestWard experiences. Just make sure the geraniums find a sunny spot, keep them well hydrated and they will thrive, providing tons of enjoyment.