Victoria Amory Condiments
April 23, 2015 We are still receiving new goods that I ordered at the New York show back in January. I love a constant stream of new things showing up throughout the year. Keeps the assortment fresh–so you always spot something new when entering the shops. Just in, Victoria Amory gourmet condiments.
Bumping up the quality quotient to everyday things we use can elevate the everyday experience. While I know we don’t use ketchup & mayonnaise everyday, to have really excellent bottles of it at the ready when we do, just creates a more memorable experience. Case in point, I tried the Champagne ketchup the other day with my lunch at the shop. I was blown away by the flavors. Complex, not overly sweet. When was the last time you even though about ketchup?
The Fine Herbs mayonnaise just waiting for crudités at the next cocktail party. Plus you all know how I love great packaging. These bottles are sharp enough to leave out in a pinch on a sandwich board. They would look stellar wrapped up in clear cello bags for host/hostess gifts.