Living Well
May 17, 2015 Living well really is a state of mind. It feeds into that quote I posted yesterday. To me, it does not mean having the best of everything, but making the best of everything. I just spent 24 hours with a friend of mine, Elizabeth and her family. Part of that time at their lovely home in Rye, New York. We attended the Kips Bay showhouse on Friday and then yesterday we drove up together to an event called Trade Secrets, hosted by Bunny Williams. The topic of living well was something we discussed during our chats. Again, living well means something different to each of us. So I am always so interested to hear what it means to others. Elizabeth and I are cut from the same cloth in many different ways, so many of our thoughts cross over. Funny how that works in friendships sometimes. But so much of what we discussed that held such importance to us was not about material possessions. It was about health, friendship, travel, how you view the world, how you view looking at a flower or a room. Living well does not have to mean having lots of ‘stuff’ by any means. I think it is a state of mind. You want to make the very best out of each experience that is presented to you–even if that experience is not a great one, or even if it is a really great one. I sign many of my books with LIVE WELL as a small reminder to the reader. Again, their version of living well. It is what I hope for all of you. I have a feeling if you are reading this that it holds importance to you too.
So to that I say to you all on this lovely Sunday,
and with much love,