
July 6, 2015

20150706-080708.jpg I have been savoring each and every page of ‘Dearie The Remarkable Life of Julia Child’ which has been such a treat to read I just don’t want it to end. I have been parceling out chapters over time out at WestWard, enjoying each little tidbit of Julia history. She has always fascinated me. Julia came to the game of food love later in life. So many of the books I have read in the past center just on that culinary aspect. This comprehensive biography by Bob Spitz covers in detail so many parts of her life that I never knew about from previous readings. She was just a character. Larger than life. She brought joy to every part of her life, but thoroughly blossomed when her interest in food was awakened. From her very privileged upbringing in Pasadena, her Smith College years, working in New York City, to working for the government in exotic places around the globe, to meeting her husband Paul, to their life in France and other locales–so many fascinating details to read about along the way. If Julia holds a special place in your heart, this read is for you.