Single, Single Bloom Happiness
July 21, 2015 I think living with the beauty of flowers creates happiness. They feed my soul. I also know flowers can be expensive and not always readily accessible to all. That is where a single bloom comes in. You don’t need a huge number of flowers to create flower happiness. All you need is one. The above hydrangea bloom has been sitting on the side table on my side of the bed since we arrived to New York. In a vintage glass jar we found awhile back. The amount of joy that single little beauty has brought to me is amazing. I see it first thing when I wake up, and right before I fall asleep. I know so many of you reading live with flowers each day. This is more for those of you who don’t but want to add them into your life. Just find a simple container that pleases you. A clear drinking glass will even do. Those are some of my favorite containers, by the way. But you all already know this. Buy a bloom at the grocery store, clip a flower from your yard, ask your neighbor if you can have one of theirs–however you need to get one, do. Then place that flower in said container and put it where you will enjoy it most. By the sink in the bathroom so you can see it while brushing your teeth, on the table next to your favorite chair where you read, on the kitchen windowsill so you can see it while you are cooking. Wherever you would like, as long as you can see it often. Roses last forever, as do hydrangea. Whatever flower speaks to you most. Change the water every other day and give it a fresh snip at the bottom of the stem. I promise you, that little single flower will bring you an unbelievable amount of joy.