Apples, Apples & More Apples
October 27, 2015 We arrived back to Seattle late last eve. I am sure the TSA folks must have gotten a good chuckle when they screened our checked bag. All those little white pumpkins that were on the picnic table outside, a bag of Seckel pears, a bag of acorns picked up by Mister Sive on his walks, and bag of Hawthorne Valley farm store bagels, a loaf of Mimi’s Little Ghent Farm bread along with jam and chutney she made with the Italian plums from our tree, and apples galore from the farmers market on Saturday. The piece of luggage came in just a tad under the 50 pound allotment. Comical when we opened it up, a sort of farm stand homage. Here is a look at some of those incredibly beautiful apples the Hudson Valley is famous for. Like little works of art.