Cutting Boards in All Shapes & Sizes
April 8, 2016The cutting boards that are fashioned after books arrived the other day that I found a few months back at the New York show. This got me looking at many of the other options we have at the Home store. I think cutting boards in varying shapes & sizes are great to have on hand for a variety of uses. Like cutting lemons and limes where you have a bar or drinks station set up when you host a dinner or party, to use to serve cheese on either with drinks or later in the meal as a cheese course, or to chop up herbs for a quick vinaigrette. Their versatility makes them handy to have different ones at the ready. Apologies in advance, without food or something interesting on them, they are not the most exciting things to take photos of. I shot these at the shop in displays, but you get the idea. A bunch of them are fairly new to our stock, others we have carried for quite awhile and are tried & true. The pig boards just crack me up they are so great, coming in a small and a large.