The Peonies Travel Once More
May 6, 2016 Flower Friday is about the fab peonies that traveled out to the island, part two. They had worked overtime out there but I just could not bear to leave them. I wrapped them up in a dish towel, wrapping the bottom of the stems with a wet paper towel. They then made the journey back into town and graced our dining table for most of the week. This time instead of single stem vases running down the middle of the table, they got nice and cozy next to one another in my new favorite vase we just started carrying at WK, the little feet holding them up in a place of honor at the end of the table. The petals falling ever so gracefully doing their final dance, we were so appreciative of them & applauded their exquisite beauty along the way. A delicate but oh so hearty bunch, the colors changing each day ever so slightly. All just part of the peony magic.