White Plates & More White Lilacs
May 16, 2016 We are up & out early for our drive down the Taconic Parkway into the city where I will attend the National Stationery Show. It is a show I look forward to all year, as it is the best of the best in card world. Aisle after aisle of paper heaven. I promised a few photos of the birthday party we hosted yesterday for Ted’s brothers. Similar to when I walk a show, I sort of get in a zone, this zone being party host, and all I clicked away was this lone image. Once the party begins, the idea of reaching for my camera phone never enters my mind. Happy I did click this right before folks arrived though. We gathered every white plate we could find we had for the gathering. Mixing and matching was the way to go to have enough for each guest. The white lilacs, this batch dropped off by Bill on Saturday afternoon, pulling the whole white plate idea, along with various white platters, together. It was just a swell time and I think Walter & Alfred felt surrounded by tons of love from all their family and friends.
Happy start of the week to you. Make it a grand one…
From Hawthorne, soon to be NYC