The Doors of Troy
May 21, 2016Our niece Aisling lives in historic Troy, New York, not terribly far from us. We visited her the other day for lunch and meandered around Troy. My oh my, I was in heaven. The architecture was unbelievable. Street after street of beauty. The front doors on many of the homes caught my eye. They had me at “hello” so I thought I must share. Just stunning.
P.S. The Pottery Barn post went up later in the day yesterday than I was thinking it would, so here is the direct link if you want to take a look. Click Here. They decided to make the story a two-parter, so the rest of it will run next week.
A happy, happy Saturday to you all! We are headed to the Hudson Farmers Market in a bit. The weather this stay has just been beautiful, it being such a treat to see the start of so many things blooming.
Hope you have grand week-end,