Surrounding Ourselves with Beauty
May 26, 2016The idea of each of us surrounding ourselves with beauty is so much of what I try to capture on the daily blog post. As well as reminders for all of us to be on the look-out for it, in many things, in many ways. For each of us, beauty can have a different meaning. For some, a big slightly wilting bundle of tulips can be poetic and capture our heart, while some might not find that appealing. I try and show you what makes my heart sing (be it a person, place or thing) in hopes that it sparks in all of us to be looking/searching for those moments surrounding you that bring happiness & beauty in our day. Here is my final look back over the last 5 years of a few things that made me smile and brought me huge happiness.
Getting very excited to receive your letter, note or card in the mail…
X’s & O’s,