Garden Clippings
July 15, 2016Flower Friday is not so much about a certain type of flower or bloom, but rather, about herbs & leaves and all that good stuff. Sometimes a little hit of green is all you need to spiff up a space. Above & below, a little shelf at the Home store with clippings from plantings on the island brought to the shop for bit of visual enjoyment. The shapes creating a visual whole from many individual stems. Often, the leaves are just as beautiful as the blooms.
Yesterday morning I wrote that I felt a part of my soul was French. And then another senseless tragedy happens from what was to be a joyous day. My heart aches once again for my/our beloved France. I am beginning to run out of words to describe the sorrow we all feel from so many of these horrible actions. But I will go on posting of beauty and of love. For we must all revel in joy. They can not, and must not, take that away from us.