Red Carnations In a Pinch
August 30, 2016I know carnations often get a bad rap. But bunched together tightly in a grouping of one color, they really can be quite lovely.
The buying trip to New York was amazing but by Saturday after I got back to Seattle and worked a few days at the shops, I was beat. So I missed my ritual stroll through the Market where I pick up flowers for the week-end. I hung out at WestWard that day and had a ‘nothing’ day, where I did nothing but read, nap, and nap some more. I love nothing days. We had guests arriving for Sunday supper at 2 the next day. TPS had the meal handled, so I made a quick run to the grocery store that morning, hoping to find dahlias, but, no luck. The red carnations just shouting at me to give them a try. I cut away all the extra on the stem and just concentrated on having the bloom be the star. The flower is quite pretty and having all of them massed together further brings out their beauty. I did 2 tall glasses and 2 short glasses filled with the red carnations. Not back for 10 bucks! The blue whale we sell at the shops was the centerpiece and the flowers flanked the whale on both sides. They worked out just perfectly giving the dahlias a run for their money.