Waiting For the Paint To Dry
February 21, 2017We are in the process of having the plumbing re-done for our 1929 building in Seattle, The Gainsborough. We have called this home for close to 30 years, buying the apartment shortly after we met. We moved away for part of that time, but held onto it, always knowing we would come back. It holds a very special place in our hearts. I snapped these photos early this morning, after we spent the eve putting things back as they were, once the paint had dried. A good portion of the above wall needed to be ripped out/open (not sure of the construction lingo proper term) to get to the plumbing in the kitchen. The same had to be done in a large walk-in closet (which holds more ‘stuff’ than one can imagine) to get to the bathroom plumbing. It was comical how discombobulated things were in the space for the last 6 weeks. The ‘put back together’ was a good time to clean & polish/get rid of/donate many things. It got me thinking of home and what that all means to me/us/others. How important the spaces we call home are to our well-being. How they envelope us and make us feel safe and cared for. Home is incredibly personal. Whether it be a room or many, many rooms–they give back to us in a myriad of ways. Sometimes more than we know…