36 Hours in Eugene
April 24, 2017I mentioned yesterday we found some really cool landscape paintings on a recent trip to Eugene, Oregon. I was asked to be the speaker at a benefit for the Volunteers In Medicine Clinic there, as well as sign my book for guests. I was deeply honored and so happy to be part of the luncheon & auction. So off I we went last week, with Heather Smith, my friend who has worked at WK for close to 15 years, who attended U of O. I thought we would have a blast together since she knows the area so well. How right I was! We chatted and laughed and chatted some more the entire trip.
The super fabulous Kathy Re, the Chair of the One Fine Day event picked us up at the airport and took us right to Autzen Stadium where the luncheon was taking place the next day. I went right to work signing close to 400 books while Heather placed them at each attendees seat.
Then we were off to a crazy good lunch at Le Bar (French bistro heaven) with our dear mutual friend Jewel Murphy. Jewel was a customer of mine when I had my wholesale showroom down in Georgetown and she has known Heather forever, doing the flowers for her wedding. Jewel was who introduced me to Heather oh so many years back. Let’s just say there was not one moment of dead air time at lunch…
Then we were off for a quick Eugene tour on our way to Jewel’s amazing shop, Passionflower, for a Style & Simplicity book signing. So many lovely folks came to say hi and get a book, as well as Heather’s niece Sarah, who is finishing up at the U of O Law School. Sarah worked at WK for several years, so it was a huge treat to see her as she is part of the family.
Then we were whisked to the uber chic home of designer Jen West, who was throwing a cocktail party in my honor. Fun to meet more cool Eugene folk and sign more books. Jen knows how to throw a swell party, and she had me laughing all along the way. Below laughing as a photo was being snapped.
Jewel had made me a David Austin rose boutonniere from a bloom she had in her shop flower cooler that I was coveting. The cocktail party was just grand and we were then off to a dinner with a group of folks putting together the auction at the stylish and oh so tasty, Marché.
Another off the charts yummy meal was ahead of us. Super sweet that they had our names on the menu for the dinner. Every detail all along the way for the entire event was thought of and executed so beautifully and with such thought. To say my head hit the pillow and I fell asleep instantly would be putting it mildly. It was a fun, full day and I had to get my beauty sleep for another busy day ahead.
The auction was huge fun and a big success. This is the 13th year and they have raised over 3 million dollars for the Volunteers In Medicine Clinic. Truly, truly honored to have been asked to take part. A champagne toast in the sky box overlooking the stadium (first photo at the top) which is a ritual each year after the event by the committee and we said our good-byes and hugs. We had a bit of time before our flight back so Jewel picked us up for a little vintage shopping, which is when Heather spotted the amazing landscape paintings that now hang on the wall in the front window of the Home store. We hung them the very next morning. Then it was off to the sweetest little French bakery for a coffee & treats and then we were up in the air back to Seattle. 36 pretty full hours in Eugene–what a fun time! It had been years since I had been there, but I was reminded why I adore it so much.