Baked Eggs in Cream with Chives
April 26, 2017Our friend Jewel made these for us last week when Heather & I were staying with her on our visit. I could not wait to get home and make these for Mister Sive. We had them the other eve. I love having eggs for supper! Our friend Peg gave us these dishes for Easter, so it was a meant to be recipe. Jewel first saw it on the blog Frolic. It could not be easier and is really quite divine.
Turn oven to 350 to heat up while you get things ready. Butter a small ramekin or dish that is ok for the oven. Jewel took it out of the dish and plated her version, I served mine right in the dish. Truly, either way is fab. She cooked one egg, I did two. To the dish add 2 tablespoons of cream for each egg used. Then break open the egg or eggs on top of the cream. Add salt & pepper. Then snip a good amount of chives atop the eggs. Then off it goes to the hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on how done you like your eggs. Seriously, how easy is that? We both served it with hearty seeded toast and roasted broccoli. Perfect really for any time of day.