Happy Father’s Day
June 18, 2017A very happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! A day for us all to show/remember the love & gratitude and all the good things about the special men in our life who helped raise us. I know these holidays can also be tough, as many of us have lost our father. I had a customer say yesterday as he looked through the card bin, “It can be a complicated day.” He is right. Many of us feel our dad was the best, but I also know many do not share this feeling. Always looking for the silver lining, I think of today as the day we embrace all the good memories, even if that number is limited. To my own father, who has now been gone 30+ years, I still think of him every day, in some way. I know I am one of the lucky ones, as my memory bank is filled with page after page of amazing memories. The above image our shop window in honor of all things dad. Hope your day is a grand one, however you chose to celebrate it.