A Natural Beach-y Window
June 24, 2017It was a sunny, sunny Seattle day yesterday with the beach being on the mind of many. The window Heather & I put together on Thursday a nod to Summer. Often one item can spark the direction of where a display will head. Many times for the windows, a lamp becomes the driving force. In this case, the quite large robe lamp was it. From there, we just start pulling and placing things that compliment it, which starts telling a bit of a visual story. Much in the same way decorating a room would evolve, with one piece of furniture often dictating the direction the rest of the pieces will follow. The sun shining so bright it causes a reflection of the ‘Watson Kennedy’ onto the back wall, almost like a watermark. The large vessel that is truly one of my favorite things at the shop, finally getting to take center stage. The natural sea sponges placed here & there a nod to the theme and tone of the rest of the goods.