Reading and Watching
October 26, 2017I know I have mentioned this before, but I have some of my best customer conversations when I am wrapping their gifts. Something about time standing still and folks feeling comfortable asking me questions, it is always a lovely exchange of words, thoughts, ideas. The other day a stylish woman from Palm Beach asked me what I was reading and watching.
I just started reading the Bunny Mellon book. When we first opened the Market shop, now close to 20 years ago, the Slatkins created a candle in her honor that we sold. We also sold a little book about her ideas on gardening. Thus began my Bunny love. The read is fascinating and at times sad. Having it all materially does not bring happiness, which is a prevailing theme in this book. That aside, the woman lived a wildly fascinating life. Also on my nightstand is the November issue of Town & Country which I have loved since I was a kid. Writer/wine lover Jay McInerney extols on the awesomeness of Washington State wines, which makes me so happy, as it is so true. And lastly, I am counting the minutes until the Joan Didion documentary on Netflix comes out, which is tomorrow, Friday, btw. She intrigues me. I love reading, watching, learning about folks who have lived a life well. The Year of Magical Thinking is one of my favorite books. As for other things we enjoy watching, you must know how much I love to laugh. I need it, much like air. It is so good for the soul, the mind, the body. Will & Grace, Saturday Night Live and Modern Family top the list of shows that make me cry laughing. Much like life, I like the mix of it all. The high, the low. In my mind, it is what makes it interesting…