Ready For a Party
March 29, 2018I have mentioned often how some of my most favorite conversations are with customers when I am gift wrapping their goods. I refer to it as ‘wrapping’ which makes me smile. The other day a very kind but slightly stressed woman was throwing an impromptu dinner that night. During our chat, she asked me what we normally stock in our fridge, as she was having to basically start from zero that day to put together the gathering that night. I chuckled when she asked the question as we try to keep our refrigerator pretty ‘party ready’ most of the time. I posted on Instagram yesterday a photo of said fridge. I asked in return, what folks keep in theirs, which was fascinating how many interesting responses I received and all the variety of things people keep on hand. So I will pose the same question to all of you. What’s in your fridge?
P.S. The thing that threw the most people off in this capture was the can that says, Chicken Dinner. It is Bailey’s organic food from Evanger’s. Behind that can, one called Vegetarian. We mix the two together, which has been her food for many years now, which keeps her happy as a clam.