A Wine & Dine Beach-y Summer Vignette
August 29, 2018As we head into Labor Day week-end a little Wine & Dine Wednesday vignette of some new goods that have arrived recently. Just in time for the holiday. I picked up the last 3 jumbo vintage hotel silver bowls from my English picker while in New York. This bowl would be awesome holding ice for bubbles or fill it with water and float flowers. Anything in this vessel will look amazing. The whale serving board whimsical and beach-y. Oyster plates are always a hit for us. The shell-encrusted candlestick a beauty. Our assortment of vintage French Baccarat coupes continues to grow. These pictured have an optic strip throughout. And lastly but certainly not least, the Palm Beach wicker tote. Use it like a purse or have it be a small picnic basket. As chic as all get out. The seasonal purist in me holds my ground in the belief that Summer ends the 22nd of September. I so often see reference to people saying it ends the day after Labor Day. Don’t believe them. Insert big smile. We are going to hold on to this glorious season for dear life and enjoy every last moment of it…