College Window–Touchdown or Game, Set, Match
September 19, 2018With the change of season upon us, this is the week to get the windows swapped out, refreshed and ready for Autumn. The college pillows the driving force in this window, with a bit of preppy, old-fashioned game day inspiration thrown in. I know not an absolute thing about football but I did know there was a 10 involved. Barb coaching me a bit while searching for another number to go with that, I had chosen a number 8 and she said 7 was more appropriate. Insert very large smile. I truly have very little idea what that sentence even means… The old tennis rackets & white balls has me back in my arena. The plaid throws/blankets/scarves fun to mix in here and there. Bags of peanuts strewn about. I usually like to add at least one thing that you would not expect. Name the English movie where one of the main characters brings his Teddy bear to college with him? Next up, Thursday the other windows gets a re-do. Hope your week is starting off grand.