The Gift of Art
September 27, 2018This past week we were given two very personal and incredibly special pieces of art. Both by the artists who created them. Which got me thinking about giving art as a gift. Being on the receiving end, I can speak of how meaningful each work was to both of us. Over the years we have given art to friends as gifts (with the shoe on the other foot, so to speak) which was equally gratifying. Art stirs the soul. It makes you think. I brings back memories. It inspires. Art in any form truly is a beautiful gift.
Our friend Mindy Carpenter created the above for our upcoming 20th anniversary in November of Watson Kennedy retail. The below by Vashon Island artist and new friend Don Olson. He met Bailey at a Sunday supper we hosted at WestWard and asked if he could do a painting of her for us. It captures her essence perfectly and will be beloved in our home, always.