Blooming Hyacinth Bulbs
January 11, 2019Flower Friday brings us a forced hyacinth bulb that sent us off with a flourish the other day from Hawthorne as we headed to Seattle. Access to flowers in the country is not the easiest, so I get creative as all get out at the grocery store. At this stage in the game, I really relish the challenge of keeping the house in blooms while we are there. Flowers are like food to me. They feed my soul, being constant inspiration while bringing tons of joy. I was over the moon when I spotted these clear bulb vases already filled with a bulb. To me seeing the roots can be equally beautiful to the blooms. So in this case, the clear container could not have been more perfect. First we had them on the dining table, then I dotted the blooms around the house. Bits of the Spring ahead on those chilly, chilly Hudson Valley days. Have a lovely January weekend everyone!