Everything But The Kitchen Sink Frittata
June 2, 2021
Wine & Dine Wednesday a frittata that has become a tradition in our household. It uses up all the little bits of yummy things you have left in your fridge before you head off on a trip. Of course, it could be made anytime that you would like. It’s a great way to use up little pieces of cheese, small portions of leftover vegetables that have already been cooked as well as meats. Ham and sausage personal favorites. Here is what I wrote on Instagram the other day when I posted this there.

Here is the general method I use when making the frittata for the two of us. It absolutely can be made smaller or larger, just adjust the number of eggs and volume of added ingredients. Prep and cut up the already cooked meat and vegetables you want to add to bite sized pieces. Grate cheese. All should be ready before the eggs hit the heat.
Turn on broiler to high to get it heated up while you do this. Break 5 eggs into a bowl. I generally do 2 eggs per person and add an extra at the end just to make sure it is hearty. Whisk eggs with a splash of milk and pinches of salt & pepper. Over very low heat add a knob of butter and melt butter making sure it covers the entire surface of the pan including the walls. This makes sure it does not stick when it puffs up in the oven. The pan and handle need to be oven proof. Add beaten egg mixture to the pan and then to the stovetop. Since it is on low heat, it will take a bit of time to start to set. It will still be quite liquidy in the middle but the sides will start to firm up. That is when you want to add your filings. I generally add the veg and any meat first, then the grated cheese. Scatter all about, evenly. Cook that a bit as it starts to firm up even more. You are not cooking it completely on the stove top. The center will cook in the oven. Once the sides are firm and the whole thing seems to be setting a bit, it is now ready to go under the broiler. This is when the magic happens. I stay with it the entire times as this can go quick. Make sure to be wearing an oven proof mitt as the handle of pan will get crazy hot. Speaking from past experience here. Insert smile. This beautiful thing will puff up and start to get a bit golden brown in spots. Move pan around to make sure it is cooking evenly. It will continue to puff up, my favorite part, until the center is cooked through which you will be able to tell by sight. You can also take it out and press your finger on the middle. It should have a little give but be firm. Done! Slice up and enjoy. We like this for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner. A big salad nestled up to it is grand. Enjoy, enjoy.