Best Party Memory

July 15, 2021

The final deadline to my publisher Gibbs Smith for my next book, the imPERFECT Host, is approaching on September 1st. It will be a busy 6 weeks getting the finishing touches completed. I have this idea of sharing the thoughts from my readers on a few questions. To make it collage-like with your answers on the page. I thought it would be informative to see so much variation of information, plus I thought it would look really cool. A double whammy! So my question to you is: What is your best party memory? It could be one sentence. Ideally not more than six. But it must be a single memory. It could be from an event you attended last week or one you were at thirty years ago. It could certainly be one you hosted too. There is no wrong answer. It could be because of someone you met at the party, the gift you gave or received, the food that was served, a drink you enjoyed, the feeling you had at the event—just a few ideas to get your mind racing. I will try to include as many of the responses I receive back as possible. Thank you in advance for your answers. So, what is your best party memory?