Paperwhites & Amaryllis
December 31, 2021
On this last day of the year and this last Flower Friday of the year, thought a combo of paperwhites and amaryllis seemed most fitting. As we celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas in the Hudson Valley and reflect on the last twelve months and look ahead to 2022, gratitude is the word we keep coming back to time and again. While these last two years have been trying for all of us all around the globe in so many ways living through a pandemic, it has also been a constant reminder to be thankful for the things we have—good health, family, friendships, to name just a few. As the year closes, I would be remiss if I did not give a huge shout-out of THANKS to all of you who follow along, are Watson Kennedy customers, read the daily blog, leave lovely comments/thoughts/ideas, are fellow seekers of kindness & beauty. When I was growing up, my parents had a saying they used often. Birds of a feather, flock together. Goodness and love, on many levels is what is most important to me, and I think you too. As we embark on this new year, may we all spread lots of both in this world. X, Ted